Natural Healing Gems

  • Gem-Scriptions
  • Tiger Iron and Picasso Jasper Gemstone Remedy for Root Chakra Healing

Tiger Iron and Picasso Jasper Gemstone Remedy for Root Chakra Healing

gemstones for root chakra Healing

Tiger Iron and Picasso Jasper Gemstone Remedy for Root Chakra Healing


When you feel overstimulated and in need of stability, take these natural healing gems out and place them next to you. They will help you feel grounded, stable, and motivated to succeed. Tiger Iron gemstones bring strength, stamina, and willpower. These healing gems relieve emotional burn out while strengthening creativity and passion. Picasso Jasper renews energy and supports stability, it encourages optimism and openness. Feel grounded, stable, and strong with this Tiger Iron and Picasso Jasper gemstone remedy.

  • Natural tumbled gemstones

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When you feel overstimulated and in need of stability, take these natural healing gems out and place them next to you. They will help you feel grounded, stable, and motivated to succeed. Tiger Iron gemstones bring strength, stamina, and willpower. These healing gems relieve emotional burn out while strengthening creativity and passion. Picasso Jasper renews energy and supports stability, it encourages optimism and openness. Feel grounded, stable, and strong with this Tiger Iron and Picasso Jasper gemstone remedy.

  • Natural tumbled gemstones

  • Information card



Stone of Vitality

Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus

Tiger Iron strengthens vitality, stability, and strength. If you work yourself till exhaustion, then this gemstone is perfect for you! Tiger Iron builds inner-strength and gives a boost of physical energy. These gemstones are especially useful for emotional and mental burn-out, including family stress. Tiger Iron activates the root chakra, sacral chakra, and solar plexus chakra. It grounds us and provides a sense of security, it promotes creativity and stimulates intimate connections, and it generates personal power and assertiveness. Tiger Iron is a stone of self-healing and transformation.

Tiger Iron is associated with Zodiac Sign: Leo

Tiger Iron Metaphysical Benefits:

Blood Conditions, AIDS, Detox, Hips, Lower Limbs, Feet, Muscles, and Absorption of Vitamin B


Stone of Relationships

Heart Chakra

This creative gemstone develops loyalty and trust, it aids in the renewal of true friendships. Picasso Jasper gemstones assist in transforming relationships and attracting like-minded people.

Picasso Jasper makes transformations smooth and easy. This is a stone of shadow integration, durability, transformation, and change. It brings protection from negative energy and boosts your connection with nature, allowing you to navigate through your inner-structure while feeling safely grounded. Picasso Jasper enables a nurtured feeling that invites you to explore your soul, it supports you through inner-struggles and asks you to accept yourself as the natural piece of art that you are. When we accept ourselves we also accept others. The relationship we have with ourself and those with others, are better understood with Picasso Jasper stones.

Picasso Jasper is associated with Zodiac Sign:  Leo

Picasso Jasper Metaphysical Benefits:

Eye Problems, Weight Loss, Sexual Enhancement, Recovery from Illness, Circulation, Heart Conditions, and Digestion.


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