Natural Healing Gems

Getting Through Tough Times With Gemstones

LifeApril Bleck

Let’s face it, everyone goes through tough times. There’s really no escaping the tides of life. It’s how you handle things that matters most in the future.

Weather you go through things alone or with emotional support from others, if you had some kind of awakening during the process then it’s likely that you’ll come out of it with a new perspective.

You’ll change in some kind of way, and can no longer hold the same perspective as before. In the spiritual world, this is an example of what’s called “Transitioning,” and it happens all the time.


Steps for Getting Through Tough Times

  • Awareness

  • Understanding

  • Self-Compassion

  • Getting Grounded

  • Feeling Support

  • Surrendering

  • Taking Action

Once we become aware that a problem persists, we can ask ourselves the hard questions. These question will awaken the desire to understand why we feel the way we do about the problem.

With understanding comes self-compassion, self-love, and finally forgiveness.


“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”—Buddha


Bring yourself back to a place of feeling grounded and acknowledged. Feelings of support build the foundation for confidence which leads to taking action.

Taking action could be anything from standing up for yourself or others, accepting responsibility for your actions, or taking the next step toward moving forward.

After moving on, we realize that we have surrendered to the fact that we cannot change the way things happened.

Create a tunnel of transformation for yourself, a re-birth, higher ascension, and eventually spiritual growth.


Labradorite Heart Stone