Natural Healing Gems

January 2023 Monthly Astrology Forecast

Planetary TransitsApril Bleck


2023 is finally here! For some that means new beginnings and opportunities, for others it gives a chance to set intentions and resolutions. One thing for sure, it’s a new chapter in all of our lives.

January Astrology Forecast

January 2023 starts off with Mercury, Mars, and Uranus being retrograde. It’s a slow, foggy start for a new year. However, mid January things begin to pick up the pace so don’t get to comfortable taking it easy. We have some major changes to look forward to this year.

1/2: Venus enters Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius is unusual, freedom loving, playful and non-discriminatory. Our love nature becomes untamed and somewhat rebellious, it’s about being socially responsible rather than goal oriented like it was in the previous sign. Venus will transit Aquarius until the 25th, when she enters Pisces.

1/6: Full moon at 16’ Cancer. This full moon brings the opportunity to leave the past in the past so we can start a new journey for 2023. Release anything that does not prove to encourage a better future. This full moon will ask us to face our inner-parent - inner-child relationship. We must take responsibilities seriously as adults, but how do we enjoy ourselves? To create harmony in our lives, we need to take time off to play, socialize and have fun. This full moon urges us to set boundaries between work and play. Spend time doing simple activities that feed the need to nurture loved ones. Listen to your intuition and find comfort in healing emotional concerns.

1/11: Mars goes direct at 8’ Gemini. OMG finally! Mars has been retrograding since October 30th, 2022. That’s an unusually long visit in Gemini. The planet of action, motivation and drive will now begin to pick up the pace. If you have been feeling slow and sluggish, expect some activity and excitement with this change of direction.

1/18: Mercury goes direct at 8’ Capricorn. I think it’s interesting that Mars and Mercury both go direct at the exact same degree of different signs, just a week apart. Mercury going direct will be the burst of energy that we need to go forward with plans, but it’s important to take things slowly as they unfold naturally.

1/21: Sun enters Aquarius. Happy birthday Aquarius! This month is about seeing things from a larger perspective, maybe from a slightly detached viewpoint. The sun in Aquarius brings focus to human rights, standing out to make a difference, standing up for our beliefs, thinking outside the box, inventions, and spreading knowledge.

1/21: New moon at 1’ Aquarius. This new moon provides us with an opportunity to manifest, make goals for the future, find out where we belong, become innovative, and find brand new solutions to old problems. This is a good time to check in with the Universe to see if you are in alignment with your highest self.

1/22: Uranus goes direct at 14’ Taurus. Uranus is retrograde half the year so when it goes direct we slowly begin to come out of our inner world and want to make changes to our outer world. We might notice subtle changes within the collective that stimulates a desire to change things within our own lives. It’s time to manifest desires.

1/25: Venus enters Pisces. Venus will join Neptune in the sign of boundless heights and possibilities. Venus loves being in this sign, she floats and flutters and daydreams here. Venus in Pisces is all about falling in love, loving your life, feeling good, being open to passion, and possibly hiding from responsibilities. This energy will bring people together in the name of love. It’s about teamwork and partnering up, so be careful what you do when Venus is in Aquarius because this is when you will reap the consequences. Venus will be in Pisces until February 20th, 2023.