Natural Healing Gems

February 2023 Monthly Astrology Forecast

Planetary TransitsApril Bleck

February is going to be pretty calm. In fact most astrologers are calling it, "the quiet before the storm." That's because March is going to be a whole other ball game. In March we have some major planetary transits that will bring huge changes in our individual lives as well as the collective. Including Pluto's ingress into Aquarius. Pluto has been in Capricorn for nearly 20 years so this is a big one. But for now let's focus on February. February will bring a lot of things up for us that require contemplation.

Go within and ask yourself the hard questions, because after this month there will be no turning back. Make your choices with conviction because opportunities do have an expiration date.

February 2023 Forecast

2/5: Full moon at 16' Leo. Listen to your heart, follow your truth and let things unfold as they are supposed to. The things and people that fall away are clearing your path so don't hold on for too long or you might be left in the past. The universe wants us to release some baggage, especially if it makes you feel vulnerable.

2/11: Mercury enters Aquarius. The next couple of weeks are prime time for communication, curiosity, learning, networking and sharing ideas with objectivity. It's a good time to have conversations with people that are aware and accepting of differences. Mercury in this sign wants to communicate with intelligence. Big ideas might come to you out of the blue, new inventions are likely to surface, and humanitarian work of all sorts are favored.

2/18: Sun enters Pisces. This is a time when a lot of people wear the rose-colored glasses. Things are so much better when they are imagined and swimming through our mind. Boundaries are blurred and love feels possible for the time being. It's a good time for creativity, romance, music, art... you get the point.

2/20: Venus enters Aries. Venus in Aries knows what she wants and is not afraid to go after it. In fact, nothing can stop Venus from getting exactly what she wants in this sign. It's a great time to practice patience and honesty. Instant gratification has it's downfalls so it's best to hold back on the competitive feelings and be honest with yourself about what you truly want and what lines up with your future.

2/20: New moon at 1' Pisces. This is a moon of heartfelt beginnings and unconditional love. It's a powerful time for starting over and embarking on a new journey. This new moon brings twin flames to a point of no return, so make sure to finish what you have started elsewhere before starting anew. Spiritual connections can only vibrate together if they are completely honest with themselves and are both in alignment with the universe. Follow the guidance of both head and heart if you wish to manifest with this new moon.