Natural Healing Gems

  • Gem-Scriptions
  • Jet and Clear Quartz Gemstone Remedy for Decision Making

Jet and Clear Quartz Gemstone Remedy for Decision Making

gemstones for decision making
quartz with jet gemstones

Jet and Clear Quartz Gemstone Remedy for Decision Making


Make decisions in a snap with this Jet and Clear Quartz gemstone remedy. Jet is a black gemstone that grounds, protects, and brings clarity. It aids in proper decision-making and helps get rid of negative patterns. Quartz crystals aid in manifestation, protection, and channeling. It enhances wisdom and spiritual growth. Quartz aligns with ones best interest and is excellent for making decisions. Instead of flipping a coin, use these healing gemstones to decide your fate.

  • Natural Jet and Clear Quartz tumbled gemstones

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Make decisions in a snap with this Jet and Clear Quartz gemstone remedy. Jet is a black gemstone that grounds, protects, and brings clarity. It aids in proper decision-making and helps get rid of negative patterns. Quartz crystals aid in manifestation, protection, and channeling. It enhances wisdom and spiritual growth. Quartz aligns with ones best interest and is excellent for making decisions. Instead of flipping a coin, use these healing gemstones to decide your fate.

  • Natural Jet and Clear Quartz tumbled gemstones

  • Information card



Stone of Protection

Root Chakra

Jet is derived from fossilized wood. This Stone of Protection guards against negative energy of all sorts. These black gemstones are grounding and stabilizing, they create an enduring since of personal willpower, prevent us from harmful influences, and help strengthen independence. Use Jet to enhance intuition, heighten psychic development, improve concentration, and encourage taking control of life. Get a boost of self-confidence, bring balance to mood swings, stimulate Kundalini energies, and alleviate sadness and depression with Jet gemstones!

* Jet absorbs negative energy and should be cleansed often.

Jet is associated with Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Jet Metaphysical Benefits:

Migraines, Epilepsy, Colds, Viruses, Swelling, Glands and Lymph Nodes, Stomach Pain, Menstrual Cramps, ADHD, Nervousness, Infections, Sex Drive, Dental Pain, Fever, Constipation, and Swelling.


Stone of Manifestation

Crown Chakra

Crystal Clear Quartz is a Stone of Manifestation. This crystal filters distractions, clears negative energy, attracts love, and amplifies energy of all types. Clear Quartz brings protection from negative energy and boosts positivity. Quartz gemstones enhance mental clarity and focus, they promote concentration and encourage memory recall. Wear quartz jewelry while meditating to filter out distractions and dissolve mind chatter. These clarifying gems open the mind and heart to a higher guidance. Crystal Quartz is capable of holding memory long enough for the manifestation of goals to occur. These magical gemstones promote enlightenment, creative vision, physical and spiritual healing, and wisdom. Boost physical energy and bring your desires to reality with crystal quartz.

Quartz is excellent for travel purposes, it encourages focus with intent and provides protection from negative energy all around. Crystal Quartz keeps you safe from accidents and unfortunate situations.

Clear Quartz / Crystal Quartz is associated with ALL ZODIAC SIGNS.

Crystal Quartz Metaphysical Benefits:

Aids, Burns, Fever, Heartburn, Immune System, Pineal Gland, Detox, Brain Activity, Hormones, Water Retention, Circulation, Migraines, Headaches, Dizziness, Motion-Sickness, Metabolism, Digestion, Kidneys, Bladder, Skin Conditions, and General Pain.

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